Watch "The Premiere" Of Gossip Girl Season 4 Online Stream

Before we dive into “Belles de Jour” let’s first discuss how Season 3 ended. If you can remember Serena’s father showed up in town and caused all sorts of trouble – almost splitting up Rufus and Lily (who was recovering from cancer). Serena, who was unable to decide between Dan and Nate, flees to Paris with Blair. Blair decided to meet Chuck at the top of the Empire State Building to rekindle their romance when Derota goes into labor. She doesn’t make it in time which leaves Chuck believing that she doesn’t love him. Jenny, who had been on a mission all season to self destruct decides to catch Chuck on the rebound and lose her virginity to him. Blair shows up, learns the truth right before Chuck can propose and breaks up with him (and also banishes Jenny). THEN, if things could get any more awesome two HUGE things happen. The first is that Georgina shows up at Dan’s door preggers and claiming the baby is Dan’s and Chuck heads to Prague where he’s mugged and SHOT.

However, if you’re expecting “Belles de Jour” to pick up promptly where it left off, you might be left in anticipation. The first episode begins with Blair and Serena happily taking in the Parisian life-style. Oblivious about what happened to Chuck, Blair is determined to find love in Paris. When she does meet a boy he turns out to be either much more or much less that what he seems. Serena is hesitant to tell Blair about her college plans while Dan is hesitant to tell everyone he’s been living with Georgina and raising their baby. On the home front Rufus and Lily are doing well but Lily is worried about Chuck and gets Nate and Serena to help investigate. Lastly, Nate meets an interesting young lady with plenty of secrets.

In my opinion “Belles de Jour” was wonderful. The girls finally made it to Paris and the outfits are to die for. There’s a lot of setup in this episode so don’t expect to have all your questions answered in “Belles de Jour”, just try to enjoy the ride.

This episode is available now via online stream. You can brows where you can watch in this website. See the links below where you will redirect to the sites that has a free stream video.

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